
This role follows the default role directory structure.

Tasks and subtasks.

The tasks folder has several subfolders, which in turn have subfolders. This is to separate every task into subtasks.

In tasks/main.yml all the tasks are listed. Each task has an import_task: statement which points to the task yaml.

Determining which tasks are run

Each task has a when: statement. This when: statement is used to run certain tasks. By default all tasks are not run. The run/ directory in galaxy-launcher's root contains yaml files that specify which tasks should be run for a certain 'command.'

Selecting the user that runs a task

Each task has the following block of code:

- name: The task
  import_tasks: the_task/main.yml
  when: galaxy_docker_the_task
  become: "{{galaxy_docker_become}}"
  become_user: "{{galaxy_docker_USER_user}}"
    ansible_user: "{{galaxy_docker_USER_ssh_user}}"
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "{{galaxy_docker_USER_user_private_key}}"

Where 'USER' is the user that should run the specific task. This is a verbose way of determining the user. But that has to do with user privileges.

User privileges

By default the playbook is run by a user that has root access. A simple become_user: statement should be sufficient to run a task as a user. However, galaxy-launcher can be run in two modes: * Privileged mode (default). Connecting user is a sudo user and can do everything. * Non-privileged mode. For each task ansible connects as a different user. Each user has only the privileges needed to execute the tasks it does.

There are three users in non-privileged mode. * A docker user, that has docker rights and starts the container. * A database user, that runs the database in the container, and therefore also creates files in the export folder. * A web user, that runs the galaxy instance, and is also the user to submit jobs on the cluster).

Non-privileged mode was required for operating galaxy-launcher on our cluster. Our Galaxy VM had our cluster filesystem mounted and was integrated with the cluster LDAP. This meant that a root user on the VM could potentially destroy the cluster filesystem when a typo was made. Therefore ssh key pairs where set up for each of the three users so the playbook could be run without connecting as a sudo user.

NOTE: The prerequisites is always run as root even in non-privileged mode. If all prerequisites are already present, the rest of galaxy-launcher can be run without root privileges.

NOTE2: All non-prerequisites are run as non-privileged users. Even in privileged mode. In privileged mode the connecting user becomes the user that runs the task using sudo. In non-privileged mode ansible connects as the non-privileged user directly.

The tasks


This task installs all the required packages, sets up users, sets up nginx, and sets up a firewall.

Prepare docker

Run by the docker user. This contains tasks to build a custom docker image and to populate the export folder.

Template galaxy settings.

Run by the galaxy web user. This contains tasks to template settings in to the export folder.


Uses the ephemeris installer to install tools and genomes.

The provision tasks may start up a provision container when a production container is not yet running. This container populates the export folder with tools and genomes but makes sure that galaxy is not exposed to the web or intranet during this stage.

There is also a task to import a database into galaxy. Useful for restoring database backups.

Start container.

Yamls needed to start the container. Also contains task to install missing python dependencies in the container.


Tasks for upgrading the database.


Tasks for extracting the database and a task that creates a cron job to regularly backup the database.


Tasks files for deleting the galaxy docker container and the export folder.